We have covered quite a bit of ground with the previous modules. Let’s take a moment to pause and identify who and/or what is here to help support you in this process in Returning with Strength to the University of Georgia. We will use this module to address those areas of support in navigating this return and identifying some actionable steps to ensuring that strong return to your academics.

Getting to Know Your Degree Completion Team

The Degree Completion Team (which we will refer to as the DCT) is the group that has been specifically designed to support you in the process of returning to the University of Georgia following Academic Suspension. The DCT is made up of a member from Student Care and Outreach, an Academic Advisor, and an Academic Coach from the Division of Academic Enhancement. You may have had previous interactions which each of these offices in previous semesters when your Academic Standing was in question. Some of these individuals may be new to your circumstances if they were recently assigned your case. But one thing that is ubiquitous for all students, the DCT is here to support you and provide guidance in this return process.

Through this module we will touch on each of these programs to see how they are here to support students through the college experience.

Student Care and Outreach

Student Care and Outreach (affectionately referred to as SCO) is the center on campus that serves as the central hub of “resources for resources”. Meaning, this office will help connect students to the specific programs, centers, student organizations, and/or support systems on campus to help ensure students are not navigating the experience on their own.

SCO often serves as the starting point for students, families, faculty, and staff who are navigating

concerns related to:

  • Academic issues
  • Substance abuse
  • Change in financial situation
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental health
  • Death of a family member or friend
  • Social and adjustment issues
  • Complex family issues
Meeting with SCO: What to Expect?

Every student at UGA has unique needs and goals. SCO invites you to share with their staff as much as you feel comfortable with so that they can build a network of support and assistance that is tailored to your personal circumstances. While you do not need to prepare for your meeting, here are two points to consider when thinking about how SCO may be able to help you:

What do I need? 
Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer to this question! In your meeting, SCO staff will listen to you and suggest the best next steps for you. If you have a specific need that you know you want to address, make sure to let SCO know. It is their job to connect you with the available resources.

Who is my support system?
Staff in SCO may ask you more about the people in your life to better understand who you see as your support system. You may rely on friends or family members, or you may have a university staff member to whom you are connected. SCO will provide assistance that compliments other positive support that you may be receiving.

Once SCO has learned more about you, your experiences, and your goals, they will work with you to alleviate any barriers that may be impeding your success.

Staff in SCO are not mental health counselors. When meeting with staff in SCO, you can expect to be given advice and guidance, however, if you would like to connect with clinical mental health services, SCO staff will work with you to connect with the appropriate on-campus or off-campus resources.

Academic Advising Services

Academic Advising Services supports our staff and faculty across campus to provide the highest quality of advising to University of Georgia students.

Advising is conducted within the school or college in which a student is enrolled. The Exploratory Center in Memorial Hall offers advising for students who have declared intended business or intended journalism as a major, or are undecided or exploring majors.

This video will help provide some of the basics for Academic Advising and what you can expect from them. Granted you have already met with your Academic Advisor up to this point, potentially multiple times. But this will help to serve as a reminder for setting expectations.

Academic Advising by College

Advising at UGA is decentralized, and each school and college has an advising office for students within that school or college. Faculty and professional academic advisors help undergraduate students understand the options and opportunities for academic programs of study, degree requirements, academic resources, and course selection. Academic advisors engage students in meaningful relationships designed to support and encourage a challenging and successful undergraduate education.

Please select the College/School based on your major by clicking on the College/School name. Here you will get to know what Advising looks like within your program and what you can expect from meeting with your Academic Advisor.

Academic Coaching

What is Academic Coaching?

Academic Coaching at the University of Georgia exists to address the holistic needs of undergraduate students that impact their academic success. Academic Coaches helps students assess where they are now and articulate where they want to be going forward. Coaches help students identify their best next actions steps and how to connect those steps with their long-term goals and core values. Academic Coaching empowers students to engage intellectually, leverage curiosity, and explore creative solutions to their own unique challenges.

Students participating in Academic Coaching will:

  • Identify their strengths and barriers to develop evidence-based strategies to reach their goals
  • Adopt self-directed behaviors that develop accountability and a mindset allowing for decisive action
  • Identify actionable next steps congruent with their long-term goals and core values
  • Feel empowered and equipped to effectively manage future challenges
  • Foster a sense of belonging and understand the unique value they bring to the UGA campus community

Why Academic Coaching?

Whether you’re an incoming student transitioning into life at UGA or a fourth year student preparing for life after college, all students can benefit from meeting with an Academic Coach. Our Academic Coaches take time to get to know you and what success at UGA means for you.

What can students expect from an Academic Coaching session?

We think it’s important to get a holistic picture of you as a student, so we spend time asking questions to understand what’s most important to you, understand your opportunities for growth, and together create an actionable plan for success.

How do students book an appointment?

To book an appointment with an Academic Coach, students log onto SAGE with their UGA MyID and password, choose “My Success Network” from the (left) side menu, click “SHOW OTHER SERVICES”, select Division of Academic Enhancement to view team members.  To view calendars and schedule an appointment, choose “View Profile” under a Coach and select “Schedule”. Students must complete the Academic Coaching Intake Survey before their first session.

Additional Academic Resources

Along with your Degree Completion Team (SCO, Academic Advising, and Academic Coaching), there are several other resources you should be familiar with to support you in your academic pursuits.

The Writing Center – The UGA Writing Center offers support to students on a wide variety of writing projects. Our services are free of cost and available to all UGA writers and recent alums. We are strongly committed to providing our community with support. For more information about scheduling an appointment, visit our Appointments page.

Academic Peer Tutoring – The Division of Academic Enhancement (DAE) offers free undergraduate tutoring services through Peer Learning and Teaching Others (PLaTO). All currently enrolled UGA undergrad students can meet with a Peer Tutor who has successfully completed the course being tutored to discuss class content, ask questions, and share study tips and resources. Tutoring is free and available in the form of one-on-one appointments and study pods both in-person at locations across campus and online via Zoom.

Presentation Collaboratory – UGA students looking for assistance with practicing presentations or public speaking can visit the Presentation Collaboratory located on the first floor of Milledge Hall. Make an appointment with our Communications Consultant or “drop by” during our facilitated drop-in hours.

Student Success Workshops – These workshops are offered by the Division of Academic Enhancement to provide a comfortable environment where students can feel free to ask questions and engage with faculty, academic coaches, mentors, and peers. Be sure to check out the Student Success Workshop Schedule for upcoming events!

In later modules we will address the resources available from the Career CenterOffice of Student Financial Aid, and University Health Center.

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