University of Georgia students have the right to appeal academic decisions. The burden of proof for an appeal rests with the student. The policies governing the process of appealing grades are covered in the Academic Affairs Policy Manual, General Academic Policy: Student Appeals (Section 4.05-01). All grade appeals must be initiated in writing to the instructor within one calendar year from the end of the term in which the grade was recorded. The process for appealing a grade in a UNIV course is as follows:

  1. The student first appeals a grade to the instructor who assigned the grade. If the appeal is not resolved with the instructor, the student makes an appeal to the Office for Student Success and Achievement (OSSA) as described below.
  2. The student submits in writing to the Director of the OSSA a petition to change a grade. The petition should include:
    • Student’s name
    • The class name, term class was completed, instructor’s name
    • Grade received
    • Documentation of a good faith effort to resolve the matter with the instructor.
    • An explanation of the grade that the student believes should have been assigned and why that grade is more appropriate than the one that was assigned.
  3. The OSSA Director appoints a faculty committee to collect evidence and make a recommendation to the OSSA Director. The committee cannot include the instructor of the course where the grade is being appealed. The process will include:
    • Review of the student’s petition and any other related evidence that the committee deems necessary to understand the situation.
    • An opportunity for the student to meet with the committee.
    • An opportunity for the faculty member to meet with the committee.
  4. The committee makes a written recommendation to the OSSA Director. As explained in the Academic Affairs Policy Manual: “A primary criterion for a successful grade appeal is the demonstration that the grade was the result of a factual error or that it was influenced by improper or unprofessional bias on the part of the instructor.”
  5. The OSSA Director communicates the Office’s response to the student and the instructor.
    • If the OSSA Director does not decide to change the grade, the student may appeal (in the following order) to the Vice President for Instruction, the Educational Affairs Committee of the University Council, and the President.
    • If the OSSA Director decides to change the grade, the instructor will be given the opportunity to sign the grade change form. If the instructor chooses not to sign the form, the OSSA Director will sign for the instructor and send the form to the Registrar’s Office.

Student Grievances Not Covered by the Grade Appeal Process

Excluded from this procedure are any allegations involving discrimination or harassment which may violate the University of Georgia Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and/or the University of Georgia Sexual Orientation Policy. Those matters shall be referred to the appropriate office as required by the applicable policy.

If the appeal at the college level is unsuccessful, please see information here to appeal to the Educational Affairs Committee of the University Council:

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