Curiosity is foundational to our learning as human beings. Every innovation, every discovery, every new adventure on some level is rooted in curiosity – what will happen, what will we discover, what waits us around the corner? In this module we will discuss the imporance of Curiosity in your educational experience, and how you are going to be encouraged to be curious, take ownership of your learning, ask questions, and push yourself to new heights so you can achieve great things.

Getting Curious

In college you are expected to think creatively, ask questions, and independently investigate course material in an effort to continually learn and develop. These expectations toward a self-directed and self-motivated learner are rooted in curiosity. But, depending on your educational experience up to this point that curiosity may have been stifled, it may have been discouraged from an early age. And now it feels awkward to apply that approach to your learning if you have not been supported in doing so.

When enrolled in UNIV2800: Returning With Strength, you will have access to the chapter reading on Curoisity from How Humans Learn. In this chapter he discusses the importance of curiosity in our learning and our educational development.

Curiosity is Your Super Power

How have you let curiosity influence your educational experience? Or do you feel like your curiosity has diminished over the years? In this video Dr. Spencer Harrison and Mr. Jon Cohen provide insights into the power of curiosity and challenge us to ask questions and let that curiosity fuel future learning and development.

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