Office for Student Success and Achievement & Unit PLAs: Within the Office for Student Success and Achievement, we recommend all peers assisting in classroom instruction be called peer learning assistants in keeping with the term used by the Active Learning Initiative. Instructors interested in applying for PLAs in their classroom may apply directly to the Office for Student Success and Achievement’s PLA program. Alternatively, they may register with the Office for Student Success and Achievement to have Unit-PLAs. Both Office for Student Success and Achievement and Unit-PLAs will have similar roles, but the Unit-PLAs will operate independently in certain aspects (details below). If a peer learning assistant is hired directly through the Office for Student Success and Achievement, they will be called OSSA PLAs, while those hired by a unit will be referred to as Unit PLAs. If a unit is interested in having a unit-based peer learning assistants program funded through the Office of Instruction, this program will need to register through the Office for Student Success and Achievement here).

FundingThe Office of Active Learning funds the OSSA PLA programThe units can either fund their program or apply for Teaching Enhancement Funds through the Office of Instruction
RequirementsPLAs will only be assigned in classes in which full-time faculty of any rank are the instructor of record.

PLAs must be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program of study at UGA.
PLAs will only be assigned in classes in which full-time faculty of any rank are the instructor of record.

PLAs must be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program of study at UGA.
ResponsibilitiesPLAs will be present at all class meetings.

PLAs will not conduct class meetings, study sessions, or office hours without the instructor of record being present.

PLAs will not review any submitted assessments.

PLAs feedback on any unsubmitted assignments should not be considered part of the formal grading feedback for the course.

At no time should a PLA view the student’s grades in the course.
PLAs will be present at all class meetings.

PLAs will not conduct class meetings, study sessions, or office hours without the instructor of record being present.

PLAs will not review any submitted assessments.

PLAs feedback on any unsubmitted assignments should not be considered part of the formal grading feedback for the course.

At no time should a PLA view the student’s grades in the course.
Recruitment, Hiring and PayThe OSSA is responsible for recruiting, hiring, and paying all OSSA PLAs (instructors have a say in the selection process).The Unit will recruit, hire, and pay all Unit PLAs. OSSA can assist with recruiting Unit-PLAs by hosting a link on its website to all Unit-PLA programming.
Hourly RateThe OSSA pays PLAs at least $11.50 per hour, and PLAs can work five to seven hours a week.Unit PLA programs registered with the OSSA must offer PLAs an hourly rate of at least $11.50 an hour.
TrainingThe first semester a student serves as a PLA, they are required to take a one-credit course titled UNIV 1204, “Preparing for Peer Learning.”PLAs will be trained through the OSSAs UNIV 1204 course.
MentorshipIn addition to training, the OSSA requires instructors to meet with their PLAs at least once a week. To learn more about how to best mentor and utilize PLAs in the classroom, CTL offers programming for PLA faculty.In addition to training, Unit PLA instructors should meet with their PLAs at least once weekly. To learn more about how to best mentor and utilize PLAs in the classroom, Unit PLAs are welcome to attend the CTL programming for PLA faculty.
OversightThe OSSA PLA team directly monitors the OSSA PLA program.Unit PLAs will be offered funding through Teaching Enhancement Funds in future years based on, among other things, compliance with these standards.

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