Welcome to UNIV2800 – Returning with Strength. We are so excited you are here, and through this course we hope to give you the tools and resources to succeed at the University of Georgia.

This course will introduce you to current research on how people learn, review strategies for engaging in active learning, and develop strong learning strategies to be successful at the University level upon returning from Academic Suspension. In this class you can expect to participate in small group discussions of the course readings and materials, brainstorm solutions to common learning challenges, and share personal reflections of your own experiences. The hallmark of this course is an active-learning environment focused on the application of strengths-based skills and content.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Articulate their educational goals and future academic goals.
  • Develop and sustain a strategic academic plan based on short- and long-term goal setting.
  • Independently acquire and practice evidence-based learning strategies, increasing their skills as learners. (e.g., metacognitive learning strategies, active learning techniques, collaborative learning).
  • Demonstrate greater academic engagement within the behavioral, psychological, and cognitive domains.
  • Practice self-regulated learning skills and employ self-directed learning behaviors.
  • Demonstrate a positive growth mindset approach to their academics and foster an attitude of resilience and perseverance from their prior academic shortcomings.
  • Practice behaviors conducive to achieving high levels of academic performance in light of their return from academic suspension (i.e., productive mindsets regarding impulse control and anxiety and stress management).

You may be asking yourself, “How did I get here?”, “What happened in my academic past that got me to this point?”, “Can I turn it around?”, “Where do I begin?”. These questions (and possibly many, many more) are all very valid and reasonable questions to ask when you find yourself returning to college after an Academic Suspension. It is important to learn from our past, as to not repeat our mistakes; but it is also important not to excessively dwell on them as that can hinder progress we are making now. This text is to serve as a course compendium for UNIV2800: Returning with Strength. Each week of the semester will focus on a different chapter from this text, serving as a guide to a variety of topics, strategies, resources, and approaches to your academics that will enhance your educational experience and promote further learning.

First and foremost, be proud of yourself – in what you have accomplished up to this point and what you will accomplish in the weeks, months, years to come. You are a Bulldawg, and Bulldawgs Never Bark Alone. We are here for you!

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