Course Description

In this 1-credit hour course students will learn how to meaningfully engage in the wellbeing of our diverse community. This course teaches students how to evaluate their own degree of engagement in their community, recognize the needs of their community, and embrace the diverse makeup of their surrounding environment. This course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives. Students will be involved in the planning and implementation of the project(s) and may spend time outside of the classroom. Students will be engaged in the service-learning component for approximately 25-50% of the overall instruction time.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Read and discuss current research regarding the intersection of community and well-being, to identify the main ideas and arguments of the well-known research of happiness and well-being
  • Review and reflect upon subjective individual wellbeing relative to subjective community wellbeing
  • Apply understandings of well-being literature to their own goal pursuit, motivational attitudes and behaviors within personal communities
  • Practice behaviors conducive to contributing to high levels of community well-being, based on scientific research

Course Syllabi

Coming soon for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.

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