Course Description

Catapult from ENGL 1101

This 3-credit hour course reviews essential components of clear and effective academic prose such as grammar, usage, punctuation, and sentence structure, audience analysis, and writing style. Also available as a catapult course for students enrolled in ENGL 1101. Please note that there is a deadline for the drop back process.

If you received a score less than 13 on Mechanics or Rhetoric on the English Placement Exam and a score below or equal to 2 on the Writing Sample, then you may be advised to enroll into this course.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Develop and understand transferable writing skills necessary for success in ENGL1101 and beyond
  • Compose written products that reflect a critical thought process and focused revising
  • Construct written products demonstrating critical development and creative support for an argument
  • Respond to non-fiction in writing activities
  • Employ formal academic English

Course Syllabi

Coming soon for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.

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