What is Academic Coaching?

Academic Coaching at the University of Georgia (UGA) exists to address the holistic needs of undergraduate students that impact their academic success. Academic Coaches helps students assess where they are now and articulate where they want to be going forward. Academic Coaches help students identify their best next action steps and how to connect those steps with their long-term goals and core values. Academic Coaching empowers students to engage intellectually, leverage curiosity, and explore creative solutions to their own unique challenges.

Students participating in Academic Coaching will:

  • Identify their strengths and barriers to develop evidence-based strategies to reach their goals
  • Adopt self-directed behaviors that develop accountability and a mindset allowing for decisive action
  • Identify actionable next steps congruent with their long-term goals and core values
  • Feel empowered and equipped to effectively manage future challenges
  • Foster a sense of belonging and understand the unique value they bring to the UGA campus community

Why Academic Coaching?

Whether you’re an incoming student transitioning into life at UGA or a fourth year student preparing for life after college, all students can benefit from meeting with an Academic Coach. Our Academic Coaches take time to get to know you and what success at UGA means for you.

Who can participate in Academic Coaching?

Academic Coaching is a free service offered to all interested undergraduate students. Academic Coaching is a required service for students on Academic Warning status.

What can students expect from an Academic Coaching session?

In an Academic Coaching session, students can expect to share their goals, strengths, and barriers. They can expect to work together with their Academic Coach to determine opportunities for growth and create an actionable plan of next steps. Academic Coaches also help connect students to resources across campus based on each student’s individual needs.

How do students book an appointment?

Students interested in meeting with an Academic Coach should email [email protected] and include their Student ID number. To be best matched with a coach, students can include a brief description of what they hope to discuss in their coaching session.

If you have questions, need assistance, or would like more information about the Academic Coaching program, please contact our team at [email protected].

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Apr 24

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