As the semester is chugging along, and the assignments and assessments are becoming (potentially) more and more intense and demanding, it is necessary to address the Self-care topics we discussed in Remember to Breathe. If you don’t remember what was covered that topic, you’ll want to go back to revisit that module and the material that was covered there before you engage in this module. That is perfectly fine.

Once you are feeling ready to go, let’s get after it!

Remembering Yourself

It is easy to get stuck in a rut of work, work, work. As you are transitioning back to college you want to stay on top of your academic work, you want to perform at a high level and prove you are supposed to be here. Yes, we recognize that. We recognize the desire (in some cases need) to continually push yourself to perform.

But, and yes there is a but, how can you give 100% if you are not at 100% to start with? If you have not been maintaining self-care and wellness up to this point, how are you doing? Are you feeling run down? Are you feeling emotionally, mentally, psychologically drained? And if you are reading this and answering yes, yes, yes – then how do you feel you are doing on your academics? Are you able to concentrate for long periods of time? Do you have the stamina to cognitively focus and push yourself through the different readings, assignments, homework, etc.?

Be honest with yourself. If you have been maintaining a healthy and productive approach to addressing your wellness, then that is amazing to hear! Go you! Keep up the good work and let us know how we can best support you to keep that going.

If you are not feeling like you have been dedicating the appropriate amount of time or energy to your self-care and wellness, then let’s use this module to help re-focus and re-center on those strategies and activities that will address our wellness.

Back to Time Management

In order to appropriately address our wellness and self-care, it is necessary to revisit the strategies that we discussed inIt Begins with Good Time Management. Because, if we don’t know when in the day or when in the week we will have time set aside to address self-care, then how can we begin working on self-care? Looking back through that module and the tips and tricks discussed, have you established some balance, some harmony to your day? Meaning, are you addressing the 8-8-8 rule: 8 hours or sleep (because we know that is important!), 8 hours or work (so 8 hours a day dedicated to your academics if you are full-time), and 8 hours of free time (where you decide how you spend it).

Therefore, within these 8 hours of free time or time that you decide how you spend it, how much of that time is addressing self-care, exercise, meditation, etc.? For some that may be a set time every day. For others that may mean 3 or 4 times a week. Maybe more, maybe less. There is not a set amount or set frequency here that you must abide by, but rather you know yourself and you know how much time and how frequent you need it. So again, what does that look like for you?

Through this module we hope to provide a healthy framework for addressing self-care and remembering to take care of ourselves.

How to Address Your Wellbeing

Since we are wanting to use this module to revisit Wellbeing and check in on how you are addressing these needs, let’s refresh on what resources are available through UGA.

What have you gained from this video? Are you more familiar with where to turn for help in supporting your wellbeing – physical, emotional, and/or mental wellbeing? Keep these centers and services in mind as we move through the rest of this module.

Exploring Health Promotion Services

Part of addressing your well-being is through health promotion. Let’s take a moment to familiarize ourselves with the different Health Promotion resources available through the University Health Center. Please click on each of the circles to be directed to that specific Health Promotion resource. Please read through the available material and see what information you can gain to support you in addressing your wellness.

Deeper Dive into Nutrition

Did you catch all of the amazing services available through the Nutrition resource in Health Promotion?

The mission of nutrition services of the University Health Center is to provide nutrition education and medical nutrition therapy for the University of Georgia student community. Nutrition services provides reliable and evidence-based nutrition information to guide students in achieving a balanced, healthy approach to dietary and eating issues. This is accomplished by giving students access to practical nutrition information in a variety of formats as well as advocating for a healthy food and eating issues environment both within and outside of the University Health Center.

Nutrition Services

Individual nutrition counseling and other nutrition services are offered by UHC registered dietitians. A written or electronic referral from your medical provider is required to make an appointment for individual nutrition counseling. For information on obtaining referrals, fees, or to make an appointment, please call the Health Promotion Department at 706-542-8690. Due to high demand for nutrition counseling, the Health Promotion Department books appointments up to three weeks in advance; if you are not able to schedule an appointment within that time frame, you will be offered the option to be placed on a waitlist for nutrition services as well as provided with a list of nutrition providers in the community.

Nutrition Kitchen

In the Nutrition Teaching Kitchen, they offer healthy cooking classes for UGA students that are fun, educational, and delicious. A registered dietitian will teach you the right balance between flavor and nutrition; and you will get the opportunity to practice healthy cooking techniques while enjoying a delicious meal.

Please look through the listed Cooking Classes to see if any pique your interest.

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